Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Rant of the Day:

People who don't clean up after their dogs. This is one of the things that drives me absolutely insane! There is so much dog poop in my neighborhood that I am almost embarrassed to own a dog. This morning I was walking Lola and I saw this woman just around the corner of my building's property from where I was standing with these two revolting chihuahua-style dogs. I see one of them hunched over in the pooping position for a couple of minutes and then the woman goes to walk away. I call out to her, "excuse me! Did your dog just poop???" She responds, "Just peed". Well, yeah right. I make my way over there and, sure enough, there is a fresh chihuahua-sized poop exactly where her dog had been hunched just a minute or two before. She fucking lied to me! And of course this woman was long gone by then. Probably booked right out of there as fast as she could. Bitch. Just wait until I see her walking her nasty-ass dogs around the area again. Makes me so mad, I could just spit. ARGH!

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