Monday, May 03, 2004

Swollen Shut.

I wrote in my Workout Log (link also on sidebar) that I felt that I got a bit sunburned at the race on Saturday. Well, yesterday my eye lids and the skin around my eyes and the top part of my checks were a little itchy and slightly swollen. Well, this morning I woke up to find that my eyes were all but completely swollen shut! Think: the final scene in Rocky. It's is very uncomfortable, not to mention startling to look at (I can see a little better out of my right eye, than my left). Did the sun cause this??? I'm not red with sunburn or anything. I broke my sports sunglasses over the Summer last year, and so I didn't wear a pair while running on Saturday, but I've run plenty of races and regular runs in the heat and sun without sunglasses before. This is truly bizarre. I called in sick to work, can't go out in public like this, I even wore big sunglasses to take Lola out, even though it is raining and storming outside. Does anyone have any ideas of what I should do? Right now I'm icing the area. Strangest running injury I've ever had.

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