Monday, June 23, 2003

Why a blog? I don't know. I love computers. I used to keep a written journal, but I prefer technology. If you don't have email, I won't even keep up with you. Sorry, that's just the way of the World these days. If my 72 year old father can have email, then anyone can. I hate talking on the phone and unless you live relatively close to me, chances are I'm not going to run into you at the grocery store. Email works for me. 'nuff said. Anyway, I was keeping a fitness journal on another site and finding myself from time to time (and more and more) wanting to write about stuff above and beyond my workouts. I mean, how many times can you read, "I did 30 minutes on the Elliptical and 20 Mins on the Stairmaster"? without getting bored? Even my posts about running were becoming routine. So it was suggested to me that I might start a blog. We'll see how it goes. I can't promise it will be exciting, or even interesting. But, hey, it's my blog, I only have to entertain myself.

Okay so. Today was the first nice day in what, five, six days? I mean we had a horrendous weekend. Basically, torrential rain for days. So what do I do? Come home from work, mill around for too long until it's too late to go to the park. Yep. Instead, I go downstairs to the small (unairconditioned) gym in the basement of my apartment building. Ran for 30 minutes and did the elliptical for 20 minutes. I watched some terrible reality show while down there, "Anything for Love"? Something like that, and the start of another horrible show, "Paradise Hotel". I don't know what the state of network TV says about us as a culture these days, it's pretty appalling. And I am not one of those people who is going to say they don't watch much TV, or what they watch is all public television. Yeah. Right. I admit it, I'm a TV addict. Friends, ER, Sex in the City, Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Law & Order, even the Osbournes and Real World. Bring it on. But these new reality shows that are cropping up everywhere? No thanks. All I can say is, thank God for cable.

Actually, I have a funny story to tell that sort of relates to reality TV. I remember the Summer of the first Survivor series. It was such a huge hit, no one had seen a show like that before (or not in this country anyway). And also, being on in the Summer, a lot of people watched it because Friends was all repeats at that point. Anyway, I watched it on and off, more so than any subsequent reality program. Anyway, I think it was September and I was doing a long run in Central Park. And I see this big guy running a little ahead of me and people are waving to him, people are passing him going the other way and turning around to check him out some more, so I'm running and I catch up to him a little more and as I pass him I realize it's Richard Hatch (the winner of the first Survivor). Okay no big deal, I've certainly seen plenty of real celebs in NYC, I'm certainly not going to get excited by this guy. Anyway, he was running near me for a while and I hear him ask a couple of girls if they knew how to get back to the Plaza Hotel. They don't know and so I pipe up and say, "oh just keep following this road, up a couple of hills and you'll eventually see a road to your right... " yadda yadda yadda. Anyway he says, "well I'll just run with you". So I shrug and say, "okay". So he is blathering away and he's asking me questions about NYC, and I'm telling him whatever and finally he has to tell me, "you know that big survivor show? I was the winner... " I think it was killing him that I never said a word about it. I just smiled and shrugged (I know, I can be really evil). Anyway, I ended up losing him on a hill. He couldn't keep up.

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