Happy New Year!

I know that I really should put some goals together for 2006, but with all the recent developments, I have so freaking much on my mind and on my plate right now that I think a bunch of scary goals could just put me over the edge. So, I think instead, the actual goals for this year are going to all be centered around this huge life change. Here is a short list to start with:
1) Work my ass off at my current company for the next two weeks to tie up as many ends as possible, train as many people as needed, create automated procedures for some to the work I do, so that I can leave my job with the peace of mind that no one has been left in the lurch.
1a) Find a way to see, spend time with, talk to as many people that I've worked with and known over the years as I possibly can.
1b) Try not to get too emotional about leaving.
2) Get in one more dental and one more Dr's appointment on my current insurance, before leaving NYC.
3) One dinner out with my Father.
4) Maybe buy a cell phone so that I will have a method for communication during this settling in period.
5) Figure out how and where various bills will be sent to me.
6) Sort out how various bills will be paid and how I need to handle old & new checking accounts.
6a) Figure out if I'll need some interim money to cover the period of time between paychecks and the clearing period for manual checks, etc.
7) Figure out how I'm getting up to New Hampshire (and exactly when) and where exactly I'm going.
8) Figure out how Lola is getting up there and where she will be staying (hopefully with me).
9) Figure out how I'm getting back & forth to the new company at first.
10) First plan of action: Figure out what I need to do to immediately get a driver's license (might need to enlist a cousin to take me to Concord or something).
11) Put all of this transitional stress and complications out of my mind and immediately focus on the new position and what I need to do to literally hit the ground running and do a fantastic job.
11a) Instill confidence with New Company that will make them see that they made the right decision in hiring me, despite all the difficulties with relocation, etc.
12) Once I am a bit settled in, re-start some kind of exercise program.
13) Finalize whatever needs to be finalized with sale of the Queens apartment.
13a) Receive (hopefully) nice profit from sale of apartment and pay off every cent of debt.
13b) Also with apartment sale money, buy a car.
13c) Put the rest away to be used for home or condo purchase in a year or so.
14) Rent a place to live.
Once the above is all sorted out and things settle down and I'm not hyperventilating hourly, re-evaluate and come up with some normal goals. Probably in two or three months (of course the apartment sale will probably take longer than that, but whatever).