Thursday, January 19, 2006

This is Going to be a Problem

So, when I was working for Old Company, my routine in the morning was to pick up a Dunkin' Donuts large coffee on the way to the office, because the free coffee provided in the company pantries was just dreadful. I would then nurse it for most of the morning and that would be my coffee ration for the day. Now with New Company, it's a whole new ball of wax. On my first morning here I was introduced to the Company Cafeteria (which in and of itself is a wonderful thing) and the vats of Free Coffee. Wonderful Coffee, there is even a daily flavored option (if I went for that sort of thing, which I don't). So now I find myself helping myself to Wonderful Free Coffee multiple times throughout the morning. I can just see a real coffee addiction in my future.

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