Friday, September 24, 2004

Dog Puke

Nice title. Lola was up all night puking, which means that I was up all night -- argh! She puked on my bed, on my floor, in my backpack (which happened to be on the floor near my bed). Called and left a voice mail for my manager this morning to let him know that I was going to be late and as I was on the phone leaving the message, I discovered more puke on the kitchen rug which caused me to exclaim, "oh God, and here's more puke!" I am sure he appreciated the message first thing this morning. Lola seems fine now anyway. Lucky dog can sleep it off all day, while I have to work, grrrrrrr.

Oh, and for the record, I did go to spinning last night. I'm a wreck now, TG I can sleep late tomorrow.

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