Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Because I'm lazy, here is an Instant Message conversation I had with Chrissy this afternoon (about my father, his new wife and the holidays):

me: so I got into a sort of fight with my father on the phone yesterday

me: he was talking about me coming to Taos for t-giving and when I said that it probably won't happen, he said, "well I hope you'll come out here for christmas!"

me: ACK!

me: somebody just shoot me

chrissy: so what did you say to that?

chrissy: all of a sudden he wants his family together

chrissy: not that that's a bad thing

me: something about how I really hate going out to NJ

me: yeah, he, Lori and me all cozy for christmas

me: I think I may throw up

chrissy: well he's trying

me: I get out to NJ and feel so completely... trapped

me: I wouldn't mind it so much if I could just go for dinner and then go home

me: but three trains, etc. that's not doable

chrissy: oh true

chrissy: did you say you would come or you just ignore him

chrissy: why don't you invite them over for an x-mas dinner this way they come see you and then leave. and I dont mean on x-mas day maybe one day that weekend

me: oh, that's a good idea

me: or the day before or something

me: come for xmas eve and leave

chrissy: right so they come for 2 hours or so then leave

me: lololol

chrissy: right

chrissy: lol

me: "okay, you have to leave now"

me: lolololol

chrissy: well they come for dinner they would not expect to stay over

me: right

chrissy: and if they have plans on x-mas eve and x-mas they can come that sat or something

me: plus they can drive

chrissy: yep

me: well, whatever

chrissy: you'll figure it out as it gets closer

me: or even better, we call all meet for dinner somewhere in Manhattan

me: around christmas

chrissy: true

chrissy: easier

me: and I don't have to cook or anything

me: and Daddy pays

me: heh

chrissy: what was the reason you gave as to why your not going to Taos for TG

chrissy: lol

me: told him that I've already taken a lot of vacation time and I still have to make until april -- true

me: that I have this project with a deadline for the end of the year and don't know if I should be taking vacation time much anyway -- true

me: told him that even with him paying my a/f that it will still cost me money as I will have to pay the dog sitter, etc. -- true

chrissy: yep

me: what I didn't tell him was that I couldn't stand the thought of being cooped up in my sister's house with he & lori for a week

me: ACK!

chrissy: lololol

me: which is probably the biggest reason why I don't want to go

me: I asked him if they were planning on staying at my sister's house and he said yes

chrissy: yikes

me: which would mean, if I came, I would have to sleep in Sophie's room

me: which would mean I wouldn't really have much of my own space

me: not so bad for a couple of days, but for a week I start to go crazy

me: need my space

chrissy: me too

me: so all around I am really not into it

chrissy: a couple of days or a weekend but any longer

me: and I'm just exhausted thinking about a trip out there

chrissy: no thanks

me: between all the travelling to get there and then not getting much rest while there

me: and the emotional exhaustion

me: I just can't deal

me: of course I didn't tell him all of that

chrissy: right and no need to

me: oh so the latest is that Lori is taking catechism classes so that she can convert to catholism

me: I was like, what the F*???

me: seems so ridiculous

chrissy: well maybe not to your dad

me: he said it is all her idea

chrissy: weird

me: well, it just seems crazy to me

me: I can see if you're young and you're going to have kids

chrissy: right

me: but that's obviously not the case

chrissy: even if she wants to go to mass with him on sunday

chrissy: go

me: and it's not going to change the fact that she's divorced

chrissy: no need to "offically" convert

me: so they still can't get married in the catholic church

chrissy: well she is a weirdo from what you tell me

me: and I really find it hard to imagine that you're brought up jewish, you're jewish your entire life, and all of a sudden your beliefs are going to change b/c you're married to a christian?

chrissy: right

me: it just seems like it's a conversion for convenience more than anything

chrissy: I am sure it is

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