Monday, June 23, 2014

Running & Wall Balls - ACK! CrossFit 06/23/2014

After last Friday's Running and Wall Ball Fest I came into CrossFit Earned tonight and what did I see on the board for the WOD? Running and Wall Balls! Yikes. Although, I have to say, I don't freak out quite as much when I see running on the board as I did as recently as a week ago. But the Wall Balls? Okay, I can do them okay, but my quads were still sore from Friday's WOD. Sheesh.

Posted workout for Monday, June 23rd:


Run or Row 400m

What I did: Rowed for 400 meters. 

3 Rounds of:

10 Air Squats
10 Push-Ups
10 Sit-Ups

What I did: Same, except that I did push-ups from a bench. 


Banded Hip Distraction
Banded Hamstring
Pec Release
Bit Mashing

What I did: Hip Mobility Complex, Banded Hamstring, Dislocates. 

Performance / WOD:

A. HBBS 5x3 @ 85% 1RM (Translation: High Bar Back Squat, 3 sets of 5 at 85% of your 1 rep maximum)

What I did: I worked up to 55lbs for this exercise. I did more than 3 sets of 5 though. Did a bunch at 35 and then 45lbs. Then I did the 3 sets of 5 at 55lbs.

I was then starting to put my weights away when Fred came over and said he wanted to show me a couple of things. Fred is one of the class members who can lift some serious weight and he likes to help everyone out when we are working on something that he does well. So, we put the weight back on and he gave me some pointers about my form as I did a bunch more reps. I did a few as he coached me and then I did a set of 8 at the end. Not sure how many reps I did overall, but I ended up doing quite a few at 55lbs, once it was all said and done. So, I'm thinking that I can probably handle more weight for the HBBS. 

B. 4 Rounds for Time:

300 meter Run
20 Wall Balls (20lb men / 14lb women)
10 Pull-Ups

What I did: I did all of my running. Okay, to be completely honest, I did walk for about 15-20 seconds on the 3rd run repeat, but that was all. All the other running was a pretty slow shuffle, but I didn't walk. I just have to keep on working on it. I did all 80 Wall Balls, only with the 10lb medicine ball (I don't even want to think about what my quads are going to feel like tomorrow) and I substituted Ring Rows for the pull-ups. 

My time for 4 rounds of the above was 16:14. I'll take it. 

C. Cash-Out: 100 Sit-Ups for time.

What I did: 100 Sit-Ups in 7:21? 7 minutes:something anyway. I was the last one to finish this part, but at least I did it. 

After the workout was done, I worked a little bit with Coach Ben to see if I could do banded Pull-Ups, or at least to see if I was any closer to being able to do them. Nope, not even close. But Coach Ben did show me another modification that I can do that may build my upper-body strength a little quicker than the Ring Rows. Basically, you stand on a box, hold onto the pull-up bar, hang from the bar while still standing on the box. You can then use as much of your legs to help pull yourself up to the bar as you need to, hopefully, needing less leg support and more upper-body as you get stronger. Anyway, I'll see if I can give it a try the next time we have Pull-Ups on the board.

CrossFit Earned:

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