Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Things that Annoy Me: inconsiderate people at the gym. Today I was at the gym at lunchtime and I was using the Xpressline weights system that is designed for people (like me) who don't have a lot of time, but want to fit in a weights workout. So there are designated times when you are not supposed to linger on these specific machines and you are supposed to keep an eye out for others who are using them in succession (which is how they are meant to be implemented). So what do two unrelated guys do to me while I am making my way down the Xpressline? Jump on to the machine directly ahead of the machine I was currently on at the time. Two separate guys at two different times. I was so annoyed! There is a big sign that states the rules and there are also other machines all over the floor that they could have used. And both of these guys were meandering around the weights area so randomly too. It certainly did not look like the machines they chose to cut me off from were part of any kind of specific routine for either of them. I hate having to backtrack. Bastards.

Other than that, my lunchtime workout was enjoyable.

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