Chrissy was asking me today about, I've been wanting to blog about my first experience with it, but I haven't had the energy, but then I had the bright idea that I could just copy in our IM conversation about it and save myself the trouble of having to rewrite it all. So here it is:
c(hrissy): hey any interesting hits on
ds(me): I've had a lot of "winks" sent and a bunch of emails
ds: it's a little overwhelming
ds: so weird to be emailing back and forth to someone you don't know at all
c: anyone sound interesting?
ds: a couple
ds: maybe
c: well I guess that's how you can get to know them a little
c: before meeting them
ds: yeah
ds: it's just weird
c: i can imagine
ds: like, what are you supposed to say?
c: i would have no idea
c: what do they say?
c: what have they said I should ask
ds: like, one guy, seems nice enough, sends me an email and says "would you like to get to know each other via email for awhile?"
ds: okay fine
ds: I say "sure"
ds: but he doesn't really ask me anything in the email
ds: so does that mean that the onus is on me to ask all the questions?
ds: or what?
ds: lol
c: lol
ds: and who has the time to sit there and think of this shit
c: i hear ya
ds: well, I could come up with the time, I guess
ds: it's just sort of weird
ds: oh and there was this other guy
ds: I'm thinking of blogging about this
c: what's his story?
ds: I just haven't felt like sitting down and writing the blog
ds: so, I go online the other night
ds: and I go to
ds: match has this little instant msg application that you can use
c: right I saw that when I waslooking at the site
ds: and the default is that it invokes automatically whenever you go to the site
ds: so I hadn't changed that yet
ds: so anyway, some guy instant messages me
ds: no biggie, so I talk to him for a few minutes
ds: he seems interesting enough
ds: has an intersting job, etc.
ds: but then he asks for my "sign"
ds: okay (freak)
c: oh god no
ds: and then he starts going on and on about having found his "darma"
ds: and about the universe
c: oh, ok see ya buddy
c: nice chatting with you
ds: and "oh god when will true love enter my life"
c: ok freak
ds: and I'm already thinking, alright, I've got to get out of this...
ds: when all of a sudden the instant messenger crashes
ds: as does my IE session
ds: so I feel bad b/c I didn't say goodbye, but I hadn't saved his screenname
ds: so I have to bring everything back on and find the website again
ds: and I'm searching through all these profiles trying to find him again (I can't remember his screenname or what town he lived in or anything)
ds: finally (after probably 15 mins or so) I do
ds: and I send an apology via instant msg
ds: you know, "sorry everything crashed, etc."
c: right
ds: well, as I'm doing this I check my email and I have an email msg from him
ds: that says...
ds: wait, I'll cut & Paste it in, I still have it
c: ok please do
ds: "please do"
ds: lololol
c: I can only guess what he wrote
c: lol
ds: the subject line is: "Hi we were chatting"
ds: and this was his email:
ds: "Hi
We were chatting online. I just wanted to point out the reason we have so many relationship problems in this country is because we are not very honerable people. I deal with lots of people overseas and they would never leave a conversation blank like that. they would at least say I must go and thank You. people in this country have little manners.let alone value good will. I just bought a piece of equipment from a person in tawain, he sent it to me and waited until I recieved it , then he said wire me the money. Thats what i call dignity......... I am not insulted, I am very use to this.
Good luck
ds: I was so pissed
c: i knew it was going to be something like that
c: idiot
c: did you respond? did he respond to your IM
ds: I wrote back something to the effect of, I'm sorry, but it was not my fault, my system crashed, and I had to search to find your profile again. I suggest you give someone the benefit of the doubt and not jump to conclusions in the future
c: of course he jumped the gun and assumed you didnt want to speak to him
ds: right
ds: but I was really pissed
c: probably because he is a freak and it happens all the time as he stated
ds: esp as I spent a lot of time trying to find him again
c: right
ds: when I wasn't even interested
ds: just as a courtesy
ds: b/c I felt bad
c: right
c: and was just being nice
ds: he was sorry after he had read what happened
c: oh, ok
ds: he wrote this email in reply: "Hi Debbie
You are right. I am just a little burned......sorry did not mean it so brash. Would U like to chat on the phone?
ds: and also an IM
ds: but I basically was like, "well, I have to go now, it's been nice talking with you"
ds: later dude
ds: freak
ds: lolol
ds: so that's been my experience on so far
ds: like, I said I was going to blog about that, I just haven't had the energy
ds: I might still do it
c: you should
c: funny