Monday, February 06, 2006

This & That

Not having a car is beginning to wear me down. This weekend I started to get really depressed about it. I know that it is a temporary situation and that it should change (for the better) relatively soon, but the longer this situation goes on, the more depressed I'm going to be. This morning I was in the cab almost all the way to work when I realized that I had forgotten my corporate id badge. So, we had to turn around and go all the way home for me to pick it up and then all the way back. It cost me a total of $40. Sucks.

I received an electric bill for my NY apartment over the weekend and, even though I hadn't even been there for three of the four weeks the billing period was for, the bill was $64. Sixty four dollars for my little two-room apartment to sit there in the dark! The only thing that should really be running is the refrigerator! I mean, WTF??? So, I called Con Ed and they said, "well, our rates just went up 30% because of hurricanes this year and stuff." Yeah, but. Thirty percent??? Sheesh!

On a lighter note, I went to see a bunch of condos yesterday. I saw a lot of them, some I didn't like at all, a few that I kind of liked, a couple that I liked and one in particular that I really liked. It's probably a little too early for me to be looking at places and getting excited about what I see since I do not even have a signed contract on my NY apartment yet. And we can expect the whole process of closing on the co-op to take another few months at least (damn blasted co-op bastards). But still, I really liked that condo! It was in this nice complex that was spread out over these hills, the back on the unit overlooked woods (so you're not looking into someone else's bedroom or something), there are all kinds of walking/running trails over the property AND it has three bedrooms. I liked it a lot. I'm not sure if I'll even qualify for a loan though and, if I do, how much of a mortgage I can get. Plus there is this stupid business of waiting for the co-op to close. ARGH! I guess I started looking too soon. I just wanted to start to get a feeling for what is out there, for what money, and what I like, what I want and what I definitely don't want. Plus, I don't have a whole helluva lot of stuff to do on the weekend anyway and I can get the real estate lady to come pick me up.

Lastly, the consultant who is working on this project with us here at New Company told me this morning that he is being reassigned next week. I am kind of freaking out because he knows what he is doing here, he knows the data and the environment and the project and I'm still learning all this stuff. AND I met the guy who is taking his place this morning and I'm just not sure what kind of replacement he'll be. I haven't really had any time to talk to him, so he may be fine, but I'm worried. Apparently he not only has never worked on a project at New Company, but he is also new to the vendor company as well. He is here to work on a couple of concurrent projects, I think, my stuff is only a piece of what he is here for, so it's not like I could have any influence anyway, but I'm a bit worried. I don't mind saying.

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