Monday, July 21, 2014

Benchmark City: CrossFit 07/21/2014

Well, I met another one of the b!tch ... I mean "The Girls" tonight. "Helen" is another of the killer benchmark workouts that CrossFit likes to throw at you every now and again. This is so you can get an idea of how you've improved and also how you stack up against other crossfitters, not only at your own box, but across the world. Since I started CrossFit back in May, I've been dreading these workouts, I knew one was likely to come my way eventually and here I've now done two in a row. Well, at least now that I've done a couple, I can no longer be afraid of them ... maybe?

Posted workout for Monday, July 21st:


Run 600 meters

What I did: I took an early start and ran the 600 meters (around the block), which included the (-stupid ass-) hill. No walking. 

15-10-5 repeats of:

Wall Balls

What I did: I substituted bar hangs and ring rows for the kips, and did the wall balls and sit-ups as prescribed. 

We then did a whole bunch of hip stretching.

Performance / WOD:

A. "Helen"

3 RFT (Rounds for Time):

400 meter Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53lbs men/35lbs women)
12 Pull-Ups

What I did: I ran the first 400 meters (and, yes, it was of course including the hill) without walking, 21 Kettlebell Swings with a 26lb Kettlebell. The last time I did Kettlebells in a workout, I did it with 18lbs, so this was a big increase for me. 12 Ring Rows. The second round of running, I had to walk for just a moment once I reached the top of the hill, but it really was only for a few seconds. The third time, I had to walk a fair amount on the hill. The Kettlebell Swings, I couldn't do them straight through, but needed to pause a few times to get through each of the rounds. 

I got it all done though and I wasn't even last. I also wasn't the only one doing Ring Rows tonight. Some people rowed instead of ran, so I could have opted out of running, but I'm glad that I ran. 

My time was my score: 15:19.

B. Tabata Head Stand Holds x8 Rounds

What I did: Plank holds (Tabata x8). 

(Editorial Comment: Can you believe we had a Cash Out???)

Another workout in the bank.

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