Monday, July 14, 2014

To Celebrate Good News, Apparently I want to CrossFit: CrossFit 07/14/2014

I haven't blogged about my job much recently, but I had a role change last year, along with a new team and a new manager. I am now officially a Project Manager (a job that I have been actually doing for many years, it's now just formal). Today I had my first real review related to my new role, team and with the new manager, so I had no idea what to expect. Well, I am happy to say that all the feedback was extremely positive. It was actually almost a little bit embarrassing because it was so glowing (but, hey! I'll take the compliments, pour them on, please!) It was such a relief! I have so many self-doubts and because everything is so new, I just had myself convinced that I wasn't living up to expectations. Now I can rest a little easy (just a little). So happy to have some good feedback!

Well, I had my review late in the day and felt a bit emotionally wiped out afterwards. In the past this kind of good news would have had me wanting to crack open a bottle of wine or something, but tonight, all I wanted to do was go to CrossFit. Who am I???

Posted workout for Monday, July 14th:


1. Coach Choice (Coach Troy chose: Run)

What I did: Most of the class ran 600 meters. Because of my sore achilles and also because I wasn't able to get a head start, I ran 400 meters (but no walking). 

2. Reps of 10-8-6

Thrusters (pvc pipe or dowel)

What I did: Thrusters, Push-Ups from the knees. Instead of Kips, which I can't do, I did reps of hanging from the pull-up bar. Sounds easy? It's not! I could barely do them!

Performance / WOD:

A. Instead of the usual strength session, we warmed up for the Thrusters and Pull-Ups we were going to need for the WOD.

B. "Devolution"
3 x AMRAP 5:00, rest 2:00 between rounds (Translation: 3 rounds, as many reps as possible, 5 minutes each round. 2 minute rest between each round).

Round 1: AMRAP 5:00 @ 80% (sustainable pace)
9 Thrusters (75lbs men/55lbs women)
9 Pull-Ups

R2: AMRAP 5:00 @ 90% (heart beating fast, breathing heavy, but not max effort)
7 Thrusters (95lbs men/65lbs women)
7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

R3: AMRAP 5:00 @100% (max effort)
5 Thrusters (115lbs men/75lbs women)
5 Strict Pull-Ups

What I did: Okay, this is yet another WOD that I totally misread! For some reason I thought we were only supposed to do 3 reps in 5 minutes, not as many reps as possible. I am such a dolt! In all the rounds I had about a minute, minute and a half left on the clock, so I could definitely have done more reps. What is wrong with me???

Anyway, I ended up doing Round 1: 9 Thrusters with 25lbs and 9 Ring Rows, x3. Round 2: 7 Thrusters with 35lbs and 7 Ring Rows x3. Round 3: 5 Thrusters with 45lbs (REALLY struggled with those) and 5 Ring Rows x3. I am kicking myself that I screwed up! Not only am I the only one not doing some kind of pull-up, but I didn't even get what I did do right. Gah. 

Some Additional Notes:

  • When we were setting up for the WOD, I asked Coach Troy for a scaling option for the Pull-Ups. He said, "oh, no problem, we'll set you up with a band." When I told him that I couldn't even do them with a band he looked a surprised and said, "not even the black one???" Nope, I'm a loser! Okay, so my sad goal is to be able to do a couple of banded pull-ups. 
  • There were a lot of people in the class tonight, so we did the WOD in two waves. I volunteered for the second wave as some people needed to be able to leave on-time. It was so hot & humid tonight, and I was sweating heavily just by being there, and especially after the warm-up. So wave one finished up and one woman from the wave came over and high-fived me and said "good job!" She thought I must surely have just been through the WOD by how much I was sweating. Nope. This is me just watching. I am a sweat beast. 

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