Saturday, June 05, 2004

Fresh Direct

So, this morning I received my very first Fresh Direct order and I have to say that I am really in love with this idea. In theory, I would love to be able to eliminate pretty much most (if not all) usage of my local grocery store, which I despise. Although daunting at first to spend a shitload of money on a big delivery of food, it is kind of nice to actually have a stocked kitchen for the first time in my life. And if shopping wisely and eating what I have stocked (rather than, say, having half of it rot in my fridge while I'm ordering out Chinese all the time or something) it could actually end up being cheaper in the long run. Those $20 stops at the grocery store in town every other day really add up (not to mention the occasional takeout order from the diner or Chinese or Indian places). I have to say that Fresh Direct is a great option for someone like me, who has limited grocery options and doesn't have a car to drive to a decent store to stock up.

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