Friday Night: Party at P&L's..Way too many beers and fruity margarita-type concoctions. Someone brought this girl along whom I've met before, "Bee" is almost a cartoon caricature of a person, like she could be pretty if the right make-over came her way. Kind of a "She's All That" Girl before the "All that". Funny thing about teenage movies and transformations of this kind. They never make over the "fat" girl, or any girl who is truly, hopelessly ugly, only the girl who would completely blow all the prom-skanks away, if she only lost the glasses, had the right dress, used some cosmetics, had the right boy interested in her, and the right music as background (which you can always totally see through anyway). You never really see this happen in real life, but the weird thing is, you can almost see that possibility in "Bee". Usually all you can see is this impossible person who will never overcome her awkwardness and ugliness, but she is just a high-light job and contact-lens project away from gorgeous. I don't know why I wanted to write about this, but every time I've met her, I think that.
Anyhoo... Stayed at the party until 3:2something when Julian was leaving. He had checked the train schedule to see what time his train back to Manhattan was, he said 3:42, so we had plenty of time. So we're walking and about half-way there he starts to freak, thinking he's going to miss his train. I look at my watch and see that we have oodles of time to make a 3:42 (AM) train, but he's freaking and wants to run. Okay so we run. I'm in my Tevas, but okay. So there we are, running in the middle of the street and after a few blocks he decides he doesn't want to run anymore, which really bummed me out because I was actually enjoying the run. First run I've enjoyed in weeks. Which is strange, considering it was about 95* and I was running in sandals. Not to mention the quantities of beer and margaritas I had consumed at the party (hmmmm, maybe we have something here). So anyway, I ran a little farther along and then stopped and waited for Julian to catch up. We got to the train station, plenty early for the train, and so stood there talking for a good while. When I happened to glance at my watch again, I noticed that we were edging up on 4:00 AM and there was no sign of a train! Julian said not to worry and that I should just go on home. I left (reluctantly), but got to my apartment (up the block), got Lola the Pug, who needed to go out anyway, and walked back to the station with her. When we got there, we found Julian, lying on the platform like he is bunkered in for a long wait. I said, Julian! what are you doing? you can't just lie here! So I went and looked at the train schedule on the side of the station and saw that the train he had missed had been scheduled for 3:30 AM, I have no idea where he got 3:42, but he screwed it up somehow. The next train wasn't until 6:30 -- GAH! I finally convinced him that he wasn't going to lie there on the platform and wait for 3 hours, and said that Lola and I would walk him to the subway, a few blocks away (I mean, it's not like we were in Montauk or something -- sheesh!) As we started to walk, we saw a yellow cab dropping someone off and J managed to grab it. Turns out the cab was headed back to Manhattan. Phew! My friends are crazy.
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