Friday, January 23, 2004

IM with Chrissy this morning, about our mutual friend Chris (the same one I walked from Manhattan with, the day of the Big Northeast Blackout):

chrissy: so listen to this Chris O just told me about her night last night
chrissy: your not even going to believe it
chrissy: she is a lunatic
me: Chris O'H?
chrissy: she gets home and is walking her dog, her neighbor who she is friendly with comes out of the house begging her to come in a hang out
chrissy: yeah
me: ok
chrissy: so she says ok goes into his house and realizes he is wacked
chrissy: so she starts drinking with him
chrissy: he is crying
chrissy: apparently he is mental or has mental problems
chrissy: has been drinking for three days straight
chrissy: lives with his mother who was annoying him the other night while he tried to sleep
chrissy: keep waking him up complaining that the fridge is cold
chrissy: mind you he is 46 years old
chrissy: so he had it with her (she is senile) and he pushed her and she fell and hit her head on the raditor
me: OMG
chrissy: had to go to the hospital so now he was afraid that his brother was going to come over and beat him up (brother is a detective)
chrissy: so he was crying to her saying he was going to kill himself
chrissy: had bullets all over the room
chrissy: apparently he has a shot gun which chris has seen before
me: OMG
chrissy: so she calms him down and he promises he wont hurt himself
chrissy: so she goes home and is cooking dinner, hears the gun go off
chrissy: runs outside to find him in the street screaming
chrissy: he shots the gun again
chrissy: in the air
chrissy: so she is out there yelling at him to go home
chrissy: which I guess at some point he does
me: jesus
chrissy: why she didnt call the cops who knows
me: that's what I was just going to ask
me: also, I can't believe that someone didn't call the cops
chrissy: so later on she is out walking the dog when she thinks to herself gee its awfully quiet
chrissy: so wait
me: I'm sure plenty of people heard the gunshots
chrissy: all of a sudden she is surrounded by a swat team
chrissy: full gear
me: OMG
chrissy: shields, machine guns
chrissy: etc
das3222: jesu
chrissy: they run her up to her house, tell her to stay low and get in the back room
me: OMG
chrissy: they evacated the 2 houses next to this mental guys house
chrissy: she is screaming that you dont know him he wont hurt anyone
chrissy: apparently the dude was holed up in his house took the cops 8 hours to remove him
chrissy: was on the news this morning
me: well, shooting a gun into the air, I don't know
me: gah!
me: wish I had been paying attention to the news!
chrissy: right me too
me: did they get him out okay?
chrissy: guess so
me: did chris have to give a statement?
chrissy: oh i didnt ask
chrissy: maybe
me: I wonder if she told them that she had been into to talk to him earlier in the night
chrissy: and was drinking with him
me: I would think they would want to know about the conversation
me: and what happened
me: right
chrissy: she said she was doing shots with the dude
me: and where was john during all of this ?
chrissy: maybe they did talk to her but she was probably wacked herself
chrissy: I asked the same thing
me: right
chrissy: he was home on the couch
me: lol
me: omg
chrissy: lol
me: asleep?
chrissy: telling her to mind her business
me: or just clueless?
me: oh
chrissy: nah probably drinking
chrissy: she went over I guess had some drinks
chrissy: went home
chrissy: john came over to the dude's house apparently to pick up some smoke while chris was there drinking with hin
chrissy: he saw the bullets and the condition of the dude but left chis there
chrissy: she eventually came home and was cooking when the rest happened
chrissy: she said he is very nonchalant was like oh chris will be fine with Doug
chrissy: she said he has been arressted before I guess they put him in a menatal hospital for a while
chrissy: imagine? what a bunch of crazies
me: my god
me: little suburban Long Island town
chrissy: the detective brother must be mental himself not to get the mother out of the house or put her in a nursing home something
me: Chris always seems to find the psychos
chrissy: i know
me: or they find her, more likely
chrissy: and they all like to drink so they become fast friends
me: oh, of course
me: guess she's going to have to find a new drinking buddy
me: sounds like this guy may be away for a while
chrissy: yeah she was like well, he needs sleep
chrissy: so he'll get it now
me: lol
chrissy: lol
me: hmmm, there might be something in that... I could use some sleep myself...

Just another quiet, weekday evening on Long Island.

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