Sunday, January 18, 2004

So sick this weekend. Horrible and weird sore throat. Even drinking water causes a stinging sensation at the top of my throat (in addition to the more typical throat soreness). When I looked into my mouth, I had inflamed redness almost to the point of welts inside my mouth and the top of the throat plus white spots throughout. Thought maybe I had strep, but I didn't have a fever, until this afternoon where I've developed a small one (like around 100*). But I've also developed a little bit of a cough, so that makes me think that this is maybe more of a virus of some sort. Anyway, I've been miserable -- jello & soup has been my best friend. I'm been even more of a baby because I haven't been really sick like this in probably a few years. Even every garden variety type cold I've started to develop in the last year or so was gone within a day or two, almost before it could even take hold. So I've just been lying around and watching movies, as well as other stuff that I've recorded with the DVR (I don't know what I ever did before I had this thing -- if I ever move out of the area, I'm definitely going to have to get a tivo). Today the weather keeps switching from rain to snow and back again, so it's a great day to stay inside and cuddle with a warm pug. If I have to be sick, it's at least a good day for it AND I don't even have work tomorrow, hopefully after all this loafing I'll feel better by Tuesday.

I wish some people would update their blogs, though (I need entertainment). You know who you are...

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