Monday, February 16, 2004

Shower Disaster Update (Part III):

After being told that I was going to have to wait until Tuesday for my shower to be fixed, I basically threw a hissy fit and so Sam the Super went downstairs to make a couple of phone calls. He came back and told me that he had managed to make arrangements for the plumbers to come on Saturday (the day my shower was put completely out of commission -- along with the ability to use any water in the apartment at all, besides the toilet). Waited around all day until around 6:30 or so when Sam came up and rang my bell to tell me they weren't going to be there that day afterall (no kidding) but would come on Sunday.

-in the meantime, I had turned the water on so that I could at least wash my hair in the kitchen sink, never realizing that having the cold water on causes water to come shooting out of my wall and straight across the room! Came into the bathroom about five minutes later to a disaster with everything in the room completely soaked and waves of water rolling across the floor like the tide was in, YIKES!-

So anyway. Ended up waiting all day on Sunday until about 3 pm or so, when I told the porter that I was going out for a while (and made sure he had a key). Was gone for a couple of hours to Bed, Bath & Beyond with Michelle and came home to find that obviously no one had been here. No one shows up and I hear nothing at all for the rest of the day.

This morning Sam shows up at my door again to tell me (guess what) that the plumbers will be here tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9:00 AM. Great. I said, "Sam, I haven't had a shower in three days!" He offers to give me the key to the office downstairs so that I can at least shower there. He goes on to tell me that they (the management company) did not want to pay the overtime of the plumbers and so that is why no one has shown up all weekend. Well just freaking great. Then why did they say someone was coming at all??? And, you know what? Maybe I don't freaking feel like paying the extra 500-freaking-dollar-special-freaking-assessment they tacked onto my maintenance this year (basically, everyone has to pay an additional assessment to pay for a bunch of stuff the building needs). I'm not exactly happy about that, especially after not having a raise in three years. Bastards, bastards, BASTARDS! I am so pissed off, I can't even stand it.

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