Wednesday, February 25, 2004

They were interviewing Sarah Jessica Parker on The Today Show this morning. Apparently one of possible endings that they shot for Sex and the City was Carrie asking all her girlfriends to be bridesmaids in a wedding of her to Big. I am so glad they didn't go with this scenario! This society sends such a strong message to single (and childless) people, especially women, that you are somehow a second-class citizen because of your lifestyle choices, etc. One of the things I've really loved about this show over the years is that it challenges that idea. Many people may not necessarily be single completely by choice, but they are also not willing to compromise on their ideals, on what they want for themselves. Certainly, I've known plenty of people to marry out of desperation, or because all their friends were doing it, or because their (dare I say it) biological clock was ticking. Well, there are those in the World who don't wish to compromise and so they don't. They want their friends, and their careers and their interests. And if a guy is going to qualify as a husband, he better damn well be your best friend AND lover AND your strongest cheering section (and frankly, in my experience, all of these things in one package is a rare thing). Additionally, why does marriage have to be the only answer? I like the way they left the show, yes Big is in her life and they're obviously going to have a relationship of some kind. But that may or may not include marriage. And that's okay. Better than okay.

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