Monday, February 23, 2004

So I went to the gym for a quick workout at lunch. I tried their XpressLine weights circuit and managed to cruise through an upper body weights routine relatively quickly and painlessly. I followed the weights with a fifteen minute session on the elliptical machine (basically all I had time for). At first I was on that machine and working so hard, I thought that I was going to pass out. I had been on it for four minutes before I realized that I had somehow set the resistance level to 18 when setting up my session. I had meant to set it to level 6. Doh! Oh well, I'm sure I burned some extra calories this way.

I came back to the locker room to find this chick spread out completely with a suitcase(?!) on the floor in front of my locker. ARGH! So I had to step over and around her to drag all my crap out of my locker and onto a bench in the middle of the floor. I was pissed! Have a little damn consideration.

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