Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another Double Workout Day

It was just a lovely, lovely day, the kind that we always seem to get this time of year. Brilliant and sunny, warm enough for shorts, but with a cool edge of Fall in the breeze. I had a bunch of shuffling meetings today so I didn't know if I'd even manage to run, but finally I just decided to go and I was glad that I did. I took my hilly route and the first part of it was pretty tough, as usual. I'm sure it's gotten somewhat easier for me, but I sure don't see it much. But as always, the back part of the trail was wonderful. That piece always makes me feel great. I also came upon a guy on a mountain bike on this trail. I knew that people bike up there because I've seen the tracks, but I've never run into one before. Of course I was the one who had to step off of the trail to allow him to pass -- grrrrrr. Anyway, after that trail, I decided to do the Beaver Path for a second time to tack on a little mileage, bringing the total for today to about 3 miles.

Tonight was my third Spinning class of the week. We did a lot of very heavy resistance, most of it in the saddle, which is actually pretty difficult. I like the Wednesday night instructor. She keeps everything technical and simple. Monday's instructor liked to try and create bizarre images, for instance, "you're biking through a meadow", "now you're stuck in the mud", "now you're being chased by a bear." A bear? Really? Just keep the instructions and the encouragement simple, straight-forward and technical, Sheesh. Maybe some people like that crap, I don't know, I just find it pretty silly. Anyway, so my third and final Spinning class down for the week so I've met that goal at least.

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