Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Busy Weekend

This ended up being a pretty busy social weekend for me. Probably a drop in the bucket for people who are used to lots of social plans or entertaining, but for me it was pretty active. Also, with all the visiting and such, my eating and workout routine was pretty much out the window for a few days which kind of has me feeling a little anxious today.

As I mentioned last week, my friends Carolina & Janos were up in New Hampshire for the weekend staying with Luminita & Paul. I had last seen them about 2.5 years ago, just after I had left NYC, when I was back in Queens to pack up my apartment for the last time (they still live down the road from my old place). We all had a great time getting together for dinner at Luminita & Paul’s both Friday & Saturday nights. It was so much fun to be back with the old crowd again and we all enjoyed telling all the old stories of the days when we were bar hopping maniacs. Of course nowadays they all have children and I had a twenty minute drive home, so the drinking certainly was not up to our old standards. But we had a great time anyway.

On Sunday Ellen & Ken (more friends of mine from NYC) came by to hang out as they were up in New Hampshire to run a half marathon. We spent a good part of the afternoon just sitting out on my deck and drinking beer and gabbing, and then cooking out some steak and veggies and corn. It was a great time and it was wonderful to be able to hang out with them again.

Anyway, with all this visiting and cooking out and beer and whatever, I did not workout all weekend. I also wasn’t too careful about what I was eating. Although, for the most part it was all grilled lean meats and vegetables, there may have been a slice of apple pie and maybe some chips thrown in there too at some stage. So it’s back on the program for me today. I’ve got “Nice Mike’s” scary workout session today and tonight I have my Core / Spin class.

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