Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hot Trail Run

Ugh. It was hot, Hot, HOT (like, 90 degrees hot). I was pretty miserable and flinging sweat around like crazy. But because I had not run yet this week (and it's THURSDAY -- hello?) I decided that I had to try and run a little further than I have been running most days. Well, I actually ended up walking A LOT, but I covered about 4 miles, so I’m not even sure if I should count the full 4. Ugh what a miserable run, and I suck, but I did it anyway. Of course, not helping the heat issue was the fact that I went out for the run at about 1:30 PM.

Here I had been thinking that I was doing pretty well with the heat this Summer. I had convinced myself that I was pretty acclimated since I’ve been running a lot all Summer and even have the A/C off at the house (for the downstairs, I still need it upstairs). But nope, I think I had just been lulled into some complacency by the relatively mild temperatures that we’ve enjoyed for most of the Summer. Oh well, I can’t complain really, it’s been so lovely here in New Hampshire for weeks.

I really like my spinning schedule. It's kind of nice to have them scheduled Monday - Wednesday and then to get to Thursday and know that I'm "free". Almost like a reward. It feels good to relax this evening knowing that I've got a number of workouts in the books for the week at this stage.

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